Pumpkin cheesecake cookies


I found this bag of deliciousness at the store today. Bit early for fall limited items, but the pumpkin lover in me says that’s a complete lie and that pumpkin should never ever be limited. I think I have to agree there…Anyway! I took one look at these and snagged a bag of them without a second thought.


They did not disappoint at all. They’re soft and chewy, and though the cheesecake parts are a bit sweet, the pumpkin spice helps to balance it.

I definitely recommend trying them!

Room progress

I still have some more putting away and tidying up to do, but here’s part of my room.


The area I spend a good deal of my night before bed at, my desk. I’m still deciding on how to arrange everything I want to keep on it, though.

And the other area I spend the rest of my night and early morning, the bed. …Well, the rack above the bed since the bed wasn’t made.


And yes, I have more plushies than I know what to do with. That’s a small portion of them, haha.

Once I’m done getting situated, I’ll take proper pictures of the room and the rest of the apartment.

Sleep for now! Goodnight!


We finally got our cable/Internet moved to the new place today! We had wanted it sooner, but since we had to reschedule due to our original moving date getting pushed back, we had to go with what date was available. We were without it for about a week (short hotel stay in Memphis doesn’t count) and, to us internet addicts, that seemed like the longest week ever, haha.

Anyway, it’s all set up, so this place feels pretty complete now. We also bought a microwave, so we’re set!

Tomorrow, I’m going to buy some things for my room so I can finally get it all in order. Pictures to come after it’s finished!

I can’t leave this entry picture-less, so here’s a Phantom doing cute Phantom-y stuff.


Duran Duran @ Botanical Gardens


As far as outdoor concerts go, this one was fun! I’m not one for outside venues, but it wasn’t too bad. I already knew I wouldn’t have as awesome a spot at this one that I had had in Chicago last year (3rd-ish row), but I had a pretty good view for being so far back. Of course it was kind of useless, but I took one picture anyway.


OP: A Diamond In The Mind
1: Before the Rain
2: Planet Earth
3: View to a Kill
4: All You Need Is Now
5: Being Followed
6: The Reflex
7: Come Undone
8: Safe
9: Union of the Snake
10: Girl Panic!
11: Notorious
12: Save A Prayer
13: White Lines
14: Ordinary World
15: Hungry Like The Wolf
16: Sunrise
17: Wild Boys

18: Girls On Film
19: Rio

I was excited to finally hear their cover of White Lines live! The only other one that would have made it perfect would have been Too Bad You’re So Beautiful, but maybe next time, haha.

Overall, it was a great concert and well worth the 5 hour drive from St. Louis to Memphis.

I will say that I’m done with outdoor venues, though. Bugs. I hate bugs.

New room

This was my room before unloading all of my junk:


And this is most of the stuff (some still in the front room or pushed in the closet) I need to sort through and situate:


I wish I could snap my fingers and make it arrange itself, haha.

On the kitty note, Phantom is adjusting just fine, rolling all over the floor and beds. Omi, on the other hand, is being his usual unsure and hiding self. I think he’ll be fine in a few days, though.

Anyway, moving is about 95% done and we’re calling it a night.

Packing status


I’m pretty much done packing for the move tomorrow. Only things left are furniture and small things on my desk. Tomorrow is going to be a lot of work, but I’m looking forward to finally moving. I can’t wait to decorate!

Downside of all the packing and moving is that the kitties are all nervous and clingy. Phantom and Omi have both been wandering around meowing, and right now I have a very clingy Phantom on my lap.

I think I’ve gotten him calmed down a bit now. I’m hoping it won’t take them too long to adjust to the new place. It took them a few days to adjust the first time we moved, so I’m expecting them to be a little spazzy for a bit after this move. I think they’ll enjoy the new place a lot better than this current apartment.

Now that Phantom is calmed down, he’s lulling me to sleep, so good night!



One of the best things about summer – a warm day with a cool breeze and delicious frozen custard from Fritz’s. I especially like red velvet with almonds, but on the days they don’t have it, I get either cookie dough or Reese’s cup.

The best, though, comes in the fall – pumpkin custard. For me, a pumpkin fiend, it’s a real treat. Personally, I think it’s best with pecans added in. It’s a little too sweet by itself, so the pecans are a nice addition to bring the sweetness down a bit. I highly recommend trying it if you live near a Fritz’s or any frozen custard place that has pumpkin.