Heart-Shaped Pizza II


I know we just had pizza last night, but we couldn’t resist Papa John’s special on them and didn’t want to deal with the possible busy rush of Valentines. I wish they would have had it available with their normal crust, but their thin crust is quite good too.

Heart-Shaped Pizza


For dinner we had Pizzarelli’s heart-shaped pizza! They only do this during Valentines, of course, but they’re so cute that I wish they had them all the time, haha.

My half was ham and pineapple, which has grown to be my choice of topping on pizza. Pineapple pizza by itself is delicious too.



My new toy. I decided it was time for an upgrade, so I traded in my DSlite and Mariokart for the 3DS and Mariokart 7. Didn’t get much for them trade-value-wise, but GameStop has a deal this week (ends tomorrow) on the 3DS, so I ended up getting both for less than the 3DS is normally. Needless to say that I was happy about that. So far, I’m enjoying it! I can’t keep the 3D on for long though, so I’m glad you can turn it down or off. The 3D is pretty awesome, though. Also, the pink version came out recently, so I had a hard time deciding between it and the red, but my lite was red, so I chose red to honor it, haha. I wish they made them in purple.

Anyway, I’m quite happy with my new one. So shiny!


Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day and all that. I think we’re supposed to get 6 more weeks of winter, but I’m having trouble believing that when it’s 60 degrees outside.

Anyway, on to better things – box kitties!


Omi likes to sit in boxes, especially small boxes, ones that don’t look like he’d fit in them. This one is an Amazon box, so he’s now being called ‘Amazon Kitty’, haha.

And of course, Phantom will not be shown up, so he too will sit in said box.




January went by rather quickly, didn’t it? Also, I’d like to know where winter went. Not that I dislike warmer days, but winter! It feels wrong without the cold air.

Anyway, I’m welcoming February with a soy strawberries and cream frappe. This deliciousness does a good job of holding me over until my beloved pumpkin spice returns. Such a long wait.