Phantom Phriday Vol. 21

Good evening everyone! Since Lisa had gallbladder surgery this week, I’ll be your guest blogger for this week, Katie!

We apologize for the long space without a post. Things have been hectic since returning from Japan! But fear not, we’re back to give you your weekly dose of cute kitties!

Speaking of which, this week we also have guest cats – red light kitties from Kabuki-cho!


I had the pleasure of meeting four lovely furry friends at Cats in the Box, a cat bar in Shinjuku’s Kabuki-cho!


“Well, are you going to give me treats or not, lady?”


“That’s more lik… hey! I can’t get to it! Move it!”


“Oh well, I’ll go for cuddles instead…”


“Leave me alone, can’t you see we’re sleeping here?”


“Don’t mind them, I’ll play!”


“I’ll get that thing!”

If you ever find yourself in Tokyo, be sure to stop by for a drink and some furry friends!

Until next time!


“Get out of my face.. unless you have food”

Phantom Phriday Vol. 20

A bit late with today’s Phantom Phriday, but it’s still Friday, so on with the show!

Today we’re featuring Rio…Purrincess Rio. The once tiny calico is now large and in charge of the nekotachi and, of course, her peasants.

“I don’t know what you’re doing, peasant, but I don’t trust it.”


‘Rio has presented her belly. You know what to do.”


“What are you looking at, peasant? You don’t see Rio. Rio’s not spying on you or anything.”

Happy Friday! (what’s left of it, anyway!)

Phantom Phriday Vol. 19

Welcome to another edition of Phantom Phriday!
This week we’re popping in on the littlest poogie, Sogo. Sogo has taken over the downstairs as her domain (the ceiling to be exact), but occasionally she visits the upstairs.

“Who dares wake Sogo from her precious beauty sleep?”

I can’t resist the cute little toe beans…

“Toe beans? What are these toe beans you speak of?”

“We’ve been over this, peasant. No touching Sogo’s feet!”

“You want to keep these fingers, right?”

Eventually, she released my fingers from captivity and ordered me out of the room so she could sleep.

“That’s right. No coming back until Sogo says so.”

She’s a bossy little master calico, but she’s super lovey (and drooly) when you catch her in the right mood.

Have a happy Friday!

Phantom Phriday Vol. 18

Welcome to the return of Phantom’s corner! His Greyness has been doing well over his long time off, still ornery as ever. He’s been waiting somewhat patiently for me to pick up my blog again, so without further delay..

“That’s enough chatter, minion. On with the show!”

Today, we’re going to check in on a moment in the day of Aya. Aya has decided to give the peasant some help in keeping her other peasant alive (in game, of course!).

“Peasant, what is this your doing?”

“You know what you’re not doing that you could be doing?”

“Petting Aya, that’s what!”

That’s all for today! Join us again next Friday!

Until then…

“Sogo sees you with her eyes, peasant.”

Phantom Phriday Vol. 17


This week’s Phantom Phriday features Aya! It’s been a while since Aya had one to herself, but of all the cats she’s the hardest to take pictures of (awake anyway) because she seems to be in constant motion.


“Aya doesn’t have time to stay still for you, human!”

"Aya has Aya things to do!"

“Aya has Aya things to do!”

Soon after those shots, she zoomed off to do Aya things, like chase the other cats, scratch at the walls, and attack her reflection. Aya has a busy life!


“Excuse me, minion, this is MY feature of your blog. Why are other cats invading my corner? Next week’s better be about me or you’ll regret it!”

Happy Friday!

Phantom Phriday Vol. 16


This week’s Phantom Phriday is a sleepy one. Earlier today, I noticed the cats weren’t buzzing around the living room like they normally do, so I went back to my room to find Phantom, Sogo, Aya, and Rio all lazing around.





So that left Omi to be the missing one. A short time later, I heard some rustling upstairs in Katie’s room. Sure enough, it was Omi. All 5 now accounted for! He rushed downstairs and jumped up on the table for pets.


I think this is the first time in a long time that I’ve gotten all the cats featured in a Phantom Phriday! Happy Friday to all!


Phantom Phriday Vol. 15


Happy Friday! This week is an update on Sogo. The little calico is settling in more and more every day and, for the most part, gets along with the other four. Aya seems to be the only one that she’s not that fond of, but Aya takes longer to warm up to being around others. Even so, they get along okay and I think they’ll be fine around each other in time.


Sogo seems to be most fond of Rio, our older calico. Rio pretty much mothered her when we first took Sogo in, so I think they formed a bond because of that.


As for us, Sogo seems to have claimed us as her humans. She’s quite an affectionate little one and I’m happy we were able to give her a home.

[BGM: Base Ball Bear – Stairway Generation]

Phantom Phriday Vol. 14


This week’s volume is cutting it close, but we managed to get it in before midnight! Tonight we are preparing to make our own cat food so that the cat crew can start their raw diets. They’re not handling the smell of raw chicken and not being able to eat it yet too well.


“What are you doing, human? Why does it smell good?”



“Is that…chicken?”


“Hand over the chicken and I wont shred your face in your sleep.”

[BGM: 摩天楼オペラ – Round & Round]